Countries table and Search functionality

Name Original Name Iso2 Iso3 Phone Code
ml Mali Mali ML MLI +223
gn Guinea Guinée GN GIN +224
ci Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) CI CIV +225
bf Burkina Faso Burkina Faso BF BFA +226
ne Niger Niger NE NER +227
tg Togo Togo TG TGO +228
bj Benin Bénin BJ BEN +229
mu Mauritius Maurice MU MUS +230
lr Liberia Liberia LR LBR +231
sl Sierra Leone Sierra Leone SL SLE +232
gh Ghana Ghana GH GHA +233
ng Nigeria Nigeria NG NGA +234
td Chad Tchad TD TCD +235
cf Central African Republic Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka CF CAF +236
cm Cameroon Cameroon CM CMR +237
cv Cape Verde Cabo Verde CV CPV +238
st Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé e Príncipe ST STP +239
gq Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial GQ GNQ +240
ga Gabon Gabon GA GAB +241
cg Congo République du Congo CG COG +242

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