
Name Country Code Offset Offset Dst Type Active Coordinates Covered Notes
America/Phoenix US +00:00 +00:00 Canonical MST - Arizona (except Navajo)
America/Port-au-Prince HT +00:00 +00:00 Canonical
America/Port_of_Spain TT +00:00 +00:00 Canonical
America/Porto_Acre +00:00 +00:00 Deprecated Link to [[America/Rio_Branco]]
America/Porto_Velho BR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Rondônia
America/Puerto_Rico PR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical
America/Punta_Arenas CL +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Region of Magallanes [[Magallanes Region]]
America/Rainy_River CA +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Central - ON (Rainy R, Ft Frances)
America/Rankin_Inlet CA +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Central - NU (central)
America/Recife BR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Pernambuco
America/Regina CA +00:00 +00:00 Canonical CST - SK (most areas)
America/Resolute CA +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Central - NU (Resolute)
America/Rio_Branco BR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Acre
America/Rosario +00:00 +00:00 Deprecated Link to [[America/Argentina/Cordoba]]
America/Santa_Isabel +00:00 +00:00 Deprecated Link to [[America/Tijuana]]
America/Santarem BR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Pará (west)
America/Santiago CL +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Chile (most areas)
America/Santo_Domingo DO +00:00 +00:00 Canonical
America/Sao_Paulo BR +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Brazil (southeast: GO, DF, MG, ES, RJ, SP, PR, SC, RS)
America/Scoresbysund GL +00:00 +00:00 Canonical Scoresbysund/Ittoqqortoormiit

Page 10 of 30, showing 20 record(s) out of 594 total

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